
ThingsCon is a global initiative to explore and promote the development of fair, responsible, and human-centric technologies for the IoT and beyond. We create events, resources, publications and tools for a diverse community of practitioners to promote and implement better practices across IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning and related technology with a human impact. Learn more here.

Last 14/15 December, we organised the 2023 edition: TH/NGS 2023; un/intended consequences.

Find more information via the event page.

Check the latest on our December conference TH/NGS 2024

Upcoming events

  • Salon at Dutch Design Week
    Designing the unknown unknowns of new relations with generative things As the theme for 2024 ThingsCon is exploring Generative Things, what will be the […]
  • Save the date: 2024 annual conference
    In 2024, we will celebrate 10 years of ThingsCon with our annual event in December. We will start planning soon but you can save […]

For all past international events, see events overview

Latest news

  • THINGS 2024 – Call for proposals
    As you know we organise our 10 year celebrating edition of the yearly Things conference at 12 & 13 December […]
  • Relive TH/NGS 2023
    Happy 2024! We have uploaded the videos of the TH/NGS 2023 conference to our YouTube channel. And find the pictures […]
  • 2023 conference
    14th/15th December – Save the date: ThingsCon 2023 Conference: Unintended Consequences In keeping with tradition, we are busy organising the […]

For all ThingsCon news, see our news section

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