
THINGS 2024 – Call for proposals

As you know we organise our 10 year celebrating edition of the yearly Things conference at 12 & 13 December in Volkshotel Amsterdam. We can share already some first glances into the program:

🎤 Talks by Matt Webb, Iohanna Nicenboim, Manon den Dunnen, Simone Rebaudengo
📌 Short pitches on ideas and projects exhibited
 🧬 More-than-human Design with/for AI panel by DCODE
🧪 About 15 workshops and sessions 
🪚 Exhibition with the most interesting projects with among others the work of Interactive Environment student teams of TU Delft, work from artists in residence from Wearable Data Studio of AUAS
🚀 Special expo with 10 objects from a generative future (see below)
🎉 Celebrate 10 years with us in a special evening program

Call for sessions

We have received already multiple interesting session proposals. Do you like to propose an interactive session or workshop that fits TH/NGS and our theme“Generative Things”, please use this form to send you ideas.

Open call for designers

To mark ten years of connected things we iniated a special “Exhibition of 10 provotypes from the future”

We invite all young designers to participate and share ideas. We will create an exhibition with the most interesting objects and provide a budget to make them into mockups of the provotypes.

To kick-off the design we asked renown international designers and future thinkers to reflect on the theme of Generative Things. At the Salon during Dutch Design Week we will present the visions and discuss together the future of things. Expect in this workshop an interactive form of building design fiction. The outcomes will be the design briefings for the participants in the challenge for designers.

We are working together with the Master Digital Design of AUAS and UMEA. You can still sign up for the open call for designers.