Iohanna is a designer and researcher from the global south, currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Delft University of Technology. Her research focuses on more-than-human design in the context of AI. At the intersection between feminist theory and design practice, she explores practices of ‘designing-with,’ i.e., a socio-technical and relational approach to designing AI. In this topic, she started a More-than-human Design Platform. She is also one of the chairs of the DRS 2024 track More-than-Human Design in Practice in Boston.
Her PhD, funded by a Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship, has contributed methodological interventions and emergent notions for HCI and design research. She published several papers in international journals, including TOCHI, HCI, and diid, and led workshops and panels at DIS and CHI conferences – on More-than-human design, more-than-human AI, and generative AI. She co-edited a special issue in the HCI Journal on the More-than-Human Turn, served as one of the technical chairs for the DIS 2023. She edited the book “Resourceful Ageing,” and contributed chapters to several books, in the topics of More-than-human Design, Human-robot Interactions, and Domestication of Media and Technology.
As a researcher, She previously worked at different labs, such as Design Research Lab and the Hybrid Platform and as a UX manager for Bosch Digital Business Teams. She has also worked for the last 10 years as a speculative designer, creating fictions that highlighted the ethics of living with intelligent technologies in future everyday life, for which I received different awards and grantssuch as Artis and Thingscon. My work was presented at international venues, such as CHI, FutureEverything, and Transmediale.
She has taught classes at Delft University of Technology, UDK, and Node Center, and co-organized exhibitions, events, and festivals around Art and Technology.