The theme of TH/NGS 2024 “Generative Things” is addressing the thing aspect of generative (AI) interactions. What will change when we have new types of interplay with things?
This interplay is not limited to the actual interplay with the thing, the digital environment, the connected space we live in, is part of the total immersive environment that shapes our reality.
If we are living in a constant immersive digitized world what is real and what is synthesized? What is our human agency, autonomy and safety in this immersive experience through things?
We invited panelists to reflect on this reality and we like to invite our participants to actively share there feelings and tensions. We like to look into the future of digital autonomy while living more and more in a continuous synthesized environment.
We asked the following speakers to introduce the topic:
Manon den Dunnen, is a strategic specialist at the Dutch Police. She focuses on the impact of new technology on society and what that means for the role and work of the police. Her main areas of interest are synthetic media, the internet of everything and ‘metaverses’ as in augmented reality and the growing role of 3D platforms.
Vera van der Burg, is an artist, researcher, and Ph.D. candidate at the Technical University in Delft. Her research focus and artistic practice lies in investigating how AI can be integrated into creative processes, particularly as a reflexive tool for makers. She aims to develop slower, smaller, and more intimate approaches to working with AI in creative practices, offering a responsible alternative to the current use of large, generative AI models.
Esther Hammelburg, does research on the societal impact of media and digital technologies. She is specifically interested in the increasing intertwinement of media and physical environments, always examining what this means for individuals and society. Esther works as a senior researcher and lecturer at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Post-X Society.
The panel will be moderated by Monique van Dusseldorp.