Visual Coding for Creative AI

Using machine learning for non-computer science practitioners can feel daunting. Figment aims to be the easiest tool to get started using AI for creative purposes. Through visual coding you can easily integrate pretrained models into a live setup, or prepare images for training.

In this workshop, we’ll introduce Figment and show how you can use it for realtime machine learning. We’ll also show examples of more advanced techniques with PIX2PIX and overnight training.

Don’t forget to bring your laptop to fully participate in the workshop.

Frederik De Bleser

Head shot of Frederik De Bleser

Dr. Frederik De Bleser (º1978) is a doctoral researcher and lecturer at Sint Lucas Antwerp. His research focuses on the connection between art and technology and the development of free software tools for generative design and data visualization. He is co-founder of the Experimental Media Research Group (EMRG). He coordinates the master in digital media at Sint Lucas, and works as a freelance data visualisation artist, creating projects for Belgian news and online democracy platforms.

Lieven Menschaert

Head shot of Lieven Menschaert

Lieven Menschaert (º1975) is a researcher and lecturer at Sint Lucas Antwerp and LUCA school of arts. His main interest is in generative and computational design and thus sees AI and machine learning as the logic next step in a procedural generation practice.