Are you a design student or a young designer looking for (new) job opportunities? Take the opportunity to sit down with a professional and talk about your portfolio: learn about what companies are looking for and make your next job application stand out.
What’s a portfolio review?
Simple: During a portfolio review, you sit down with another designer to talk about your work. Beforehand, you decide what you want to present and compile it into a portfolio. In the past, this used to be a physical folder of printed images, but these days it can also be a digital collection or even a social media profile.
Why is it so important?
We all know how important a portfolio is to apply to any design job, but sometimes it is just hard to look at your own project with a fresh eye and spot gaps, mistakes or in general, understand if your portfolio is good enough to start applying for your next career step.
During a portfolio review, you can freely talk about your work and discuss your style, strength, and weakness with a professional designer without the pressure of proving that you are the right candidate to hire.
Reviewing your portfolio can be an eye-opening experience—both to see how it is perceived and to put it together in the first place.
Who is going to review my portfolio
A pool of professional designers from the ThingsCon network will be available to review your work, we will soon post names and profiles so that you can make appointments with the ones who are in the same field of expertise as you.
How do I prepare
We are aware a design portfolio is never finished, if you want to use this opportunity, collect together some of your most representative projects and be ready to talk about them.
What do I need to bring?
Just bring your portfolio and be ready to talk about it, any format is allowed (printed, website, a Miro board, an Instagram account a slide deck, etc..)