Masterclass Responsible Design for Networked Objects
Organised by ThingsCon as part of IoT Rotterdam 2020
ThingsCon has been an active promoter of a responsible and human-centric Internet of Things for years now. At our conferences and Salons we shared knowledge and organised deep-dives. In 2018 we partnered with Mozilla to introduce the Trustable Technology Mark for producers of IoT devices, a trustmark with principles to design and produce responsible IoT products. To explore research and knowledge development we publish every year the RIOT report on the State of Responsible Internet of Things.
In this masterclass we like to combine this knowledge in an applied design-workshop where we want to go beyond the discussion on the necessity of responsible design. By diving deeper in practicing the principles you will experience what are the real challenges and possibilities, what choices need to be made.
The masterclass will be shaped as a design-sprint but instead of starting with a blank sheet, we take an existing smart product, unpack it and redesign applying the Trustmark principles. By having discussions on real solutions we will learn what is necessary.
The masterclass coaches are experienced both in discussing the responsible IoT as organisers of ThingsCon, but also as practitioners in designing IoT product-service systems at the companies (INFO, DIEP) they work for.
Program Masterclass (2 hrs):
- 35 min –
Introduction- meet participants
- workshop method
- the case productÂ
- analysis of case; unpacking; what happens
- goals for redesign, dive into Trustmark and context, translated to an overarching design goal (lifelong product, well-behaving)
- 10 min break
- 45 min – design sprint in 4 groups
Every group focuses inspired by trustmark principle(s) and formulates design principles for case
- 25 min – share design principles and integrate
- 5 min – wrap-up
Will provide some references to the participants before the masterclass. Reading is not mandatory though for participating.
The masterclass will be open for 20 participants.
Iskander Smit – INFO / TU DelftÂ
Iskander Smit (@iskandr) is chairman of the foundation ThingsCon Amsterdam. He is innovation director at agency INFO in Amsterdam, that crafts connected digital products and services. Iskander is responsible for research and development and leading LABS.
Next to that Iskander is visiting researcher at Delft University of Technology Faculty of Industrial Design, and co-director of the Delft Design Lab Cities of Things
Since 2010 Iskander has been a member of the Council Internet of Things and co-founded the Behavior Design AMS meetup in 2013.
Pieter Diepenmaat – DIEP
Pieter Diepenmaat (@__pieter__) is board member of ThingsCom and runs DIEP, an invention studio for smart, well-behaved products. Combining design, research and prototyping they help companies create and validate new IoT solutions, specialising in mobility and industry. His clients include Pfizer, SKF, NS, Ford and Roetz Bikes.
Besides organising ThingsCon events and inventing products, Pieter also plays joysticks in the band WLDRF.