
Revisit GoodThingsFest 2020

We look back at a successful annual gathering last December GoodThingsFest. For obvious reasons the event was online, but this allowed for experiments with formats, activities, and responsible conference technology (♥ Hochschule Darmstadt) while keeping the ThingsCon spirit. Judging by your feedback you very much enjoyed the experience. You can revisit the event through video’s, our annual RIOT Report (also available as a podcast!) and articles throughout the web. 👇

Video’s – You can revisit the keynote AMA’s, Studio Visits and ThingsCon Talent Award Show via our youtube-channel. The GoodThingsFest-website is also still up to look back at the program. For a short impression of what this week of Good Things was like, enjoy the lovely aftermovie by Bart At Work:

Other videos:

Podcast & State of the Responsible IoT Report 2020 – At GoodThingsFest we presented our 2020 Report on the State of the Responsible IoT (RIOT report 2020). You can read and download it, but you can also dive into interviews with all authors via the first series of our new ThingsCon Stories podcast (don’t forget to subscribe!)

Articles – Matt Webb wrote a wonderful essay for his presentation on his blog. Michelle wrote a nice report on the early career session on the OpenDoTT website. And via this Twitter Moment we captured some of the conversations.