We will update this page with more details in the coming weeks. We have a call for workshops and sessions until 1 October and will start adding sessions and more details on the exhibition at the beginning of October.

🎀 Keynotes by Matt Webb, Iohanna Nicenboim, Manon den Dunnen, Simone Rebaudengo
πŸ“Œ Short pitches on ideas and projects exhibited
ʹ٤ More-than-human Design with/for AI panel by DCODE
πŸ§ͺ About 15 workshops and sessions 
πŸͺš Exhibition with the most interesting projects with among others the work of Interactive Environment student teams of TU Delft, work from artists in residence from Wearable Data Studio of AUAS
πŸš€ Special expo with 10 objects from a generative future (see below)
πŸŽ‰ Celebrate 10 years with us in a special evening program

Our program this year will cover Thursday and Friday, including Thursday evening with a special celebration event for 10 years ThingsCon.

Our preliminary program:

πŸŽ“ Thursday: long-form workshops for even more in-depth knowledge exchange and interacting with peers.

  • Workshop 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00 (or whole day).
  • Lunch in between.

πŸŽ‰ Thursday evening: celebrating 10 years of ThingsCon with special evening program with inspirational talks, music, and drinks

  • Starting 17:00, welcome words and short looking back and forward, drinks, bites and music after.

🎀 Friday: the good old mix of inspiring keynotes, short project-pitches, 2-hour workshops, exhibition, and meeting each-other.

  • Starting 9:30
  • Morning opening keynote, pitches workshops, 2-hour workshops
  • Lunch + start visiting exhibition
  • Afternoon plenary program with keynotes and project pitches
  • Closing drinks

Call for proposals

We have received already multiple interesting session proposals. Do you like to propose an interactive session or workshop that fits TH/NGS andΒ our theme“Generative Things”, please use this form to send you ideas.